Pauline Agupitan Stunned Everyone With Her Powerful Rendition Of ‘And I Am Telling You’.
The talented Batanguena stunned everyone with her powerful performance during the grand finals of It’s Showtime. The studio’s live audience, hosts and the judges of It’s Showtime were all stunned with Pauline’s soulful rendition of the 2006 hit song of the Hollywood star Jennifer Hudson, And I Am Telling You.’ The amazing performance of the Pinay singer was shared by The Adventure of Berting Bayagbag Facebook page. After more than a year of searching for the most talented singer of the country, It’s showtime’s amateur singing competition “Tawag ng Tanghalan” is set to declare it’s first ever grand champion. Six contenders from the different part of the country will showcase their talent in singing for the last time to win the hearts of the Filipinos and take home the title of being the grand champion.
But with the performance of the Batanguena, many of the netizens said that she set a standard in the competition. Many of her fans, especially her province Batangas City were so proud with her amazing performance. Some of the social media users were quick to express their reactions on social media after Pauline’s performance. She earned praises and admiration after she received a standing ovation from the judges of the show who could not hide their emotions and applauded the contestant. The video of Pauline Agupitan was now taking the social media by storm after it has been shared by some of the netizens who were not only surprised but were also entertained with her soulful performance.

(TV) Pauline Agupitan Revenges in Showtime’s “Tawag ng Tanghalan”
Pauline Agupitan returns to Its Showtime’s Tawag ng Tanghalan to reclaim what’s taken away from her. She sang One Moment in Time this afternoon (May 27, 2016) versus Joy Amamio. If you all remember, she beat the 5-time defending champion Dominador Alviola that made her extra famous as the possible grand contender in the finale but somehow lost to Chrisel Joy Dele Cruz of Davao City. It was a sad day for me when she didn’t make it after that showdown with Chrisel. Today, she is definitely back to the competition.
Pauline Agupitan, from PGT semi-finalist to Tawag ng Tanghalan champion. Pauline Agupitan at 11 was a semi-finalist in the 3rd season of Pilipinas Got Talent (PGT). Now 15 years old, she becomes the youngest defending champion of Tawag ng Tanghalan on It's Showtime. Representing Luzon (she's from Batangas), Pauline Agupitan competed earlier on Tawag ng Tanghalan, first impressing the audience and the judges with her powerful rendition of Beyonce's 'Listen'. She garnered 94%, beating the contenders from Metro Manila and Visayas to become the challenger of the day. She then went on to win over the 5-time defending champion (already a semifinalist), Dominador Aviola Jr from Mindanao, after her awesome performance of Celine Dion's 'All By Myself'. As the new defending champion, she won a total of P35,000 and will return tomorrow to defend her throne. It's quite exciting to hear Pauline sing again in the show, with her impressive vocals. She's like Charice during those old times. 4 years ago, at the age of only 11, Pauline joined PGT Season 3 and made it to the semifinals. She however stopped in that round after losing to El Gamma Penumbra in the voting.